P5.js Coding, Javascript, Photoshop, Animation (2023)

Short side scoller game that redefine the meaning of the “root” as roots of childhood memory.

TEAM: Bini Park, Christine Chang, Seawon Kim

"Project Jam Plant" is a side-scrolling game made with the P5.js coding language for the Global Game Jam. The main theme of Global Game Jam 2023 was "Root," and as a team, we defined "root" as childhood memories and experiences tht identify who we are in the present. Roots are something bigger than it looks. Even if we can’t see, it’s still there to support us. Roots are interactive. If the roots get rotten, so do the tree is. The experiences and memories we attained throughout our life create our personality, emotions, and perspectives. With roots/memories, we grow up.


A lonely man going back through his roots of childhood memory to refine his inner peace and happiness. He carries around a plant which has a deep emotional bond with him. As the game goes on, the plant on top of the character grows as the items are gathered. The plant is wilted as the man is feeling emptiness, but as he gathers his childhood memory, the roots recover and he finally feels happy. Collected items could be seen in the root room at the end. For the flower that comes in the game we choose is one kind of lilac that has a meaning of ‘good memory from youth’ He carries around the plant inside the jam glass jar which is inspired from the event ‘Game Jam’ that we are participating.


As a team, we split our roles into art and coding. Seawon was in charge of sketches and animation, Christine was in charge of the overall coding, and lastly, I was in charge of both the art and coding sides.

We used P5.js, HTML, and CSS to code this game. We mostly used classes and functions and separated files as needed.

# FullWalkThrough

Intro page

Ending Page

Childhood room

Adult room(Morning)

Adult room(Night)


Living room


Scene Map

Item Map


Click the game screen to start!!

Move around using the left, right, up, and down arrow keys